3 Communications Projects Businesses Can Work on During COVID-19
Man, it’s been a wild couple of weeks. (Yes, that was the understatement of the century.) Throughout the madness, we’ve had the pleasure of working alongside our roster of incredible clients, helping solve communication challenges in the wake of COVID-19. And while we’re all still figuring this out together day by day, we wanted to take a moment to share a few tips to help your business make it to the other side of this trying time.
1. Explore ways your business can fit into this new COVID narrative. If I had a dollar for every time I heard David say “it’s easier to join a conversation than to start a new one,” I’d be a very rich woman. But it’s true — and I’d venture to say it’s truer now than ever.
We’ve talked with numerous media members and communication professionals over the past couple of weeks, and they’ve all affirmed that there’s no space for anything right now that isn’t related to COVID-19. Several of our clients have business models that just make sense right now:
- Smart Furniture sells incredible home office furniture that’s flying off the shelves as more and more businesses move to the remote work model.
- WorkHound, a feedback collection tool for frontline workers, is noticing trends in feedback related to COVID-19.
- Market Street Partners, an accounting firm here in Chattnaooga, worked hard to clear up confusion about ongoing updates to tax deadlines, SBA loan options, and employer tax credits that have developed over the past week.
Others are finding ways to help out and fit in, even if they don’t have COVID-19-specific data or information to share. For instance, Text Request, a software service that enables customers to text businesses, has offered their tool at no cost to Tennessee restaurants that are facing the new challenge of serving customers with curbside and delivery service as they are unable to host customers in their dining rooms.
There are so many ways your business may be able to fit into the narrative of COVID-19 — but if you can’t think of anything that doesn’t feel forced, it’s best to hold off. It’s important to be authentic and relevant, especially in a time of crisis.
2. Find new ways to engage your audience. We get it. Your business model may have been stood on its head. But we’ve seen people stepping up to the challenge of staying in front of their audiences. Gyms are hosting fitness classes online, artists and hair stylists are taking a moment to teach their customers about their craft… The list goes on.
A couple of our clients have taken previously scheduled events online instead of canceling altogether. For instance, Cempa Community Care is unable to host their 25th annual Strides of March walk in person, but they’re still taking their mission to Facebook Live. Grass Roots Health, a CBD store in Chattanooga and Fort Oglethorpe, will be hosting previously scheduled educational classes online.
But you don’t have to teach a class to accomplish this goal. You can show how you make an interesting product or service… Are you a restaurant? Show your customers how they can make a popular dish at home.
Remember: This doesn’t need to be complicated — it can be as simple as recording on an iPhone and sharing on Facebook or Instagram. Don’t let the fear of inadequacy prevent you from taking action!
3. Plan for what you’ll want to focus on next. This is temporary. (One more time for the people in the back: 👏THIS.👏IS.👏TEMPORARY!👏) Have a plan for what you want to do when we all climb out of our isolation dens and rejoin the world of the living. Not only will it be beneficial down the road, but it might also lift your spirits to think of a time in the future when things return to a little more normalcy.
Keep an eye on our blog and social channels for more COVID-19 updates and helpful tips. Have a challenge you’d like to discuss? Contact us today.